Our News

Rome: 16-18 May 2024

Rome: 16-18 May 2024

- May 28, 2024 -

A wonderful MSI GLOBAL ALLIANCE EMEA CONFERENCE meeting in Rome! Three days full of very interesting discussions with our colleagues from around the world! It's always a pleasure to see each other again and we're proud to be part of such a great community!

Transfer of participations in the company to employees through clauses such as Put and call option, Good and bad leaver, Drag along / Tag along

Transfer of participations in the company to employees through clauses such as Put and call option, Good and bad leaver, Drag along / Tag along

- May 24, 2023 -

Transfer of participations in the company to employees through clauses such as Put and call option, Good and bead and leaver, Drag along / Tag along

Bucharest, 11 – 13 May- MSI Global Alliance: Lawyers & Accountants<br />- 2023 EMEA Conference-

Bucharest, 11 – 13 May- MSI Global Alliance: Lawyers & Accountants
- 2023 EMEA Conference-

- May 24, 2023 -
Winner of Romanian Legal Awards in the Intellectual Property practice area

Winner of Romanian Legal Awards in the Intellectual Property practice area

- June 23, 2022 -
LTJ & Partners - Winner of Romanian Legal Awards in the Intellectual Property practice area for 2021, at the Gala held on 23 June 2022.
Award from Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan Chamber of Commerce

Award from Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan Chamber of Commerce

- May 11, 2022 -
On the occasion of the Belgian Week - Gala Dinner event, organized by the Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan Chamber of Commerce, our Managing Partner George Ticu-Jianu was awarded for his involvement and contribution to the development and professionalization of the Chamber.
Internet Domain Name vs. Registered Trademark

Internet Domain Name vs. Registered Trademark

- September 06, 2021 -
We will briefly analyze in the following the differences of legal protection from the perspective of intellectual property rights between the internet domain name and the trademark.
Munca de oriunde - WORK FROM ANYWARE (WFA) - in industria de IT

Munca de oriunde - WORK FROM ANYWARE (WFA) - in industria de IT

- June 28, 2021 -
Avand in vedere ca circumstantele actuale, luna iunie 2021, privind desfasurarea raporturilor de munca, din perspectiva modalitatii de prestare si livrare a serviciului, sunt in mare masura diferite de cele de la inceputul anului 2020, s-a nascut necesitatea de a raspunde la intrebarea daca salariatii angajati in Romania pot presta munca, in regim de telemunca, nu doar de acasa (work from home -WFH ), ci chiar de oriunde (work from anywhere- WFA).
LTJ Trademark becomes member of International Trademark Association (INTA)

LTJ Trademark becomes member of International Trademark Association (INTA)

- June 15, 2021 -
We are very pleased to announce that LTJ Trademark has become a member of International Trademark Association starting with June 2021.
Un moment artistic deosebit sustinut de colega noastra avocat Cristina Valcauan

Un moment artistic deosebit sustinut de colega noastra avocat Cristina Valcauan

- May 08, 2021 -
Un moment artistic deosebit sustinut de colega noastra avocat Cristina Valcauan. Recital de pian (Yann Tiersen-Ritmuri din alta vara) cu ocazia festivitatii " Reabilitarea pianului Casei Maniu"- Badacin, 08 Mai 2021, actiune desfasurata sub inaltul patronal al Altetei Sale Regale, Principele Nicolae al Romaniei.
Legal amendments regarding the reduction of working time (Kurzarbeit)

Legal amendments regarding the reduction of working time (Kurzarbeit)

- April 06, 2021 -
Legal amendments regarding the reduction of working time (Kurzarbeit)


- March 31, 2021 -
New fisal regulations
Legislative briefing

Legislative briefing

- March 15, 2021 -
The new norms for implementing the provisions of Law no. 129/2019 for preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing
Financial support measures for HORECA industry

Financial support measures for HORECA industry

- March 01, 2021 -
At the end of 2020, in the context of the need to adopt measures in order to support the HORECA industry, the Romanian Government adopted GEO no. 224/2020 on some measures for providing financial support to enterprises in the field of tourism and public catering, whose activity has been affected in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Deductible expenses in commercial relations with entities from Turkey and other amendments of the Fiscal Code

Deductible expenses in commercial relations with entities from Turkey and other amendments of the Fiscal Code

- March 01, 2021 -
In the Official Gazette no. 197 of February 26, 2021, GEO no. 13 for the completion and modification of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code and regarding the Accounting Law no. 82/1991
Trademark versus Legal name

Trademark versus Legal name

- February 18, 2021 -
Recently was settled in the appeal a dispute in which our company provided assistance and representation, which had as object the conflict between a commercial name (legal name of a company) registered at the Trade Register with a trademark containing both verbal and figurative elements, so a combined brand.
Important fiscal amendments in force starting with January 1, 2021

Important fiscal amendments in force starting with January 1, 2021

- January 20, 2021 -
  1. Fiscal amendments on non-deductible expenses in trade relations with contractual partners located in several countries.
  2. New rules for trade with the United Kingdom applicable from January 2021
PROTECT YOUR BRAND! An article about reasons why your brand should be legally protected.

PROTECT YOUR BRAND! An article about reasons why your brand should be legally protected.

- January 06, 2021 -
In an increasingly competitive market, players are developing more and more ideas and investing in identifying their products and services.
Article: Legal and practical analysis over the software law in Romania (English version).

Article: Legal and practical analysis over the software law in Romania (English version).

- November 16, 2020 -
A comprehensive analysis addressed to both professionals and legal advisors from IT industry.
Legislative briefing - Law on simplifying the transfer of shares and reduction of bureaucracy for other formalities in case of limited liability companies

Legislative briefing - Law on simplifying the transfer of shares and reduction of bureaucracy for other formalities in case of limited liability companies

- November 05, 2020 -
The normative document brings a number of changes for the business environment by amending the law regarding the companies , changes aimed at streamlining certain operations, including the transfer of shares and the establishment of limited liability companies.
Legal info regarding payment facilities for budgetary obligations due after the date of declaration of a state of emergency.

Legal info regarding payment facilities for budgetary obligations due after the date of declaration of a state of emergency.

- October 30, 2020 -
G.E.O. on payment facilities for budgetary obligations due after the date of declaration of a state of emergency, administered by the central fiscal body and other fiscal measures (including for activities within HORECA industry)
Analiza juridica asupra programelor software

Analiza juridica asupra programelor software

- August 28, 2020 -
Realitatea economica denota faptul ca societatea este intr-o “revolutie digitala” si din ce in ce mai multe activitati realizate anterior in mod nemijlocit de catre forta umana sunt inlocuite in prezent prin diverse programe informatice pentru calculator, sau prin automatizarea procedeelor tehnice.
Legislativ Info OUG 132/2020

Legislativ Info OUG 132/2020

- August 11, 2020 -
The Government has adopted an G.E.O 132/2020. through which it offers the possibility to the employer to reduce the working time of employees (after the inspiration of Kurzarbeit model).
Summary regarding the employment law changes in 35 European countries as a result of the pandemic

Summary regarding the employment law changes in 35 European countries as a result of the pandemic

- May 04, 2020 -
Summary regarding the employment law changes in 35 European countries as a result of the pandemic based on the information provided by the MSI Golbal Alliance colleagues from the European region.
Webinar BEROCC and LTJ & Partners

Webinar BEROCC and LTJ & Partners

- March 23, 2020 -
Practical aspects resulting from the effects of the Decree no. 195 / 16.03.2020 regarding the establishment of a state of emergency in Romania, determined by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, regarding the followings
Raporturile de munca – efectele Decretului privind instituirea starii de urgenta pe teritoriul Romaniei

Raporturile de munca – efectele Decretului privind instituirea starii de urgenta pe teritoriul Romaniei

- March 18, 2020 -
In contextul evolutiei situatiei epidemiologice internationale determinata de raspandirea coronavirusului SARS-CoV-2 si declararea „Pandemiei” de catre O. M. S., la data de 11.03.2020...
Intabularea in Cartea Funciara a constructiilor edificate fara autorizatie – efectele Legii nr. 7/2020

Intabularea in Cartea Funciara a constructiilor edificate fara autorizatie – efectele Legii nr. 7/2020

- January 15, 2020 -
Prin Legea nr. 7/2020 pentru modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 10/1995 privind calitatea in constructii si pentru modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 50/1991 privind autorizarea executarii lucrarilor de constructii
LTJ & Partners awarded by the prestigious publication THE TIMES- Legal Innovation

LTJ & Partners awarded by the prestigious publication THE TIMES- Legal Innovation

- December 19, 2019 -
LTJ & Partners has won the prize awarded by the prestigious publication THE TIMES Legal Innovation in the category "Best Law Practice for SMS's", in the Romanian Legal Awards Gala organized on December 19, 2019.


- October 22, 2019 -
Madrid was the host city for MSI’s 2019 International Conference from 19 – 22 October.
Interview Cristina Ticu-Jianu, Partner, for Legal Marketing and Profit.ro

Interview Cristina Ticu-Jianu, Partner, for Legal Marketing and Profit.ro

- October 01, 2019 -
"Businessurile reale si sanatoase ale SME’s sunt acelea in care ownerii fac venituri si din vanzarea de participatii la companiile detinute, a bradurilor create de la zero, sau din contractele de franciza, nu doar din incasarea dividendelor."
Articol: Constructii edificate fara autorizatie- efectele RIL admis prin Decizia nr.13/2019 a ICCJ

Articol: Constructii edificate fara autorizatie- efectele RIL admis prin Decizia nr.13/2019 a ICCJ

- June 07, 2019 -
Prin Decizia nr. 13/2019 publicata in M.O. nr. 440 din 3 iunie 2019, Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie a admis recursul in interesul legii declarat de Colegiul de conducere al Curtii de Apel Bucuresti vizand „interpretarea dispozitiilor art. 37 alin. (5) din Legea nr. 50/1991 privind autorizarea executarii lucrarilor de constructii, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, in sensul daca acestea constituie sau nu un impediment legal la dobandirea dreptului de proprietate asupra constructiei prin efectul accesiunii imobiliare artificiale”.
MSI Global Alliance- Regional Meeting in Hamburg 17-19 May

MSI Global Alliance- Regional Meeting in Hamburg 17-19 May

- May 24, 2019 -
Hamburg, Germany’s was the host city for MSI’s recent EMEA Regional Meeting from 17 – 19 May 2019.
Doing business in Romania

Doing business in Romania

- April 03, 2019 -
MSI's guide on Doing Business in Romania provides current information about the financial, regulatory and legal considerations that could affect business dealings within Romania. For further assistance, please contact our MSI member firms in Romania
LTJ & Partners becomes exclusive legal member of MSI Global Alliance in Romania

LTJ & Partners becomes exclusive legal member of MSI Global Alliance in Romania

- March 01, 2019 -
As of 1st March, LTJ & Partners becomes the exclusive Romanian legal member of MSI Global Alliance, one of the world’s leading international associations of independent legal and accounting firms with over 260 member firms in more than 100 countries.
We become member of Belgian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce

We become member of Belgian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce

- November 16, 2018 -
We are a law firm that has strong connecctions with the Belgian business culture, and joining BEROBA comes as a natural step.


- June 01, 2018 -
We implemented the Keyvision platform for the operational management of our business.
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